My debut book, Surge, published by Sunrise Publishing, will launch in November! It was so much fun to work with Ronie Kendig to write the military romantic suspense story. Surge is a black Belgian Malinois military working dog, handled by Delaney. The team – led by Garrett – is hunting through Southeast Asia for a stash of toxic chemicals before terrorists complete their plan to kill hundreds of thousands of Americans. And maybe Garrett and Delaney fall for each other. I highly suggest you grab Ronie’s original A Breed Apart Series, and the books already out in the A Breed Apart Legacy. They’re good!
Meanwhile … I can send my monthly flash fiction newsletter to your email, and my free novella, Dangerous Signs, will show up in your e-box, too. Sign-up is below. (It’s worth it if all you want is some pictures of Alaska.)
Hello! Waving hi from Alaska! And now to introduce myself.
It’s no surprise I grew up to write suspense novels. Dad was a law enforcement instructor. Mom was a newspaper editor.
And God wove a love of words and story into my DNA.
My legal eagle hubby and I make our home on an Alaska island. We live with two dogs: Stingray, an Australian Shepherd, is obsessed with playing tug, and Kip, a Boston Terrier is obsessed with food. They all conspire to get me away from my computer and out into the real world of this beautiful rainforest in which we live.
Living in Alaska is truly the stuff of dreams. Winter days of darkness, summer nights of sunlight. Mountains, ocean, forest. Rain, snow, clouds, sun. Even earthquakes, These all meet here on the island in infinite variations. In the same way joy, music, fun, tears, laughter, fear, and surprise meet in life in infinite variations.
Through it all is woven the light of hope in Christ. This is what I hope to catch in my writing … The darkness of suspense, the light of Christ.
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